Dr Anita Moss has developed the Self Awareness Skills Training workshops for medical professionals. Designed for 15-25 participants, the interactive workshops assist participants to identify and strengthen the skills necessary to navigate a career in medicine. "Know thyself" is the first step to understanding how you interact with the world and is where the workshops start.
In 2023 and 2024, the full day program was run in Canberra to general practitioners completing the Royal Australian College of General Practice Future Leaders Program, for members of the Australian Medical Students Association, and for clinical and executive staff of Derbal Yerrigan, Aboriginal Medical Service in Perth. Workshops have been run for members of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and hosted by 1Medical in Sydney for their doctors spanning many specialties. The content inspires thought provoking and stimulating discussions, as participants share their perspectives for all to learn from. Analysis of the feedback from the pilot workshops has been excellent, reinforcing the importance of this work.
Anita has been working as a GP obstetrician for over 20 years, and lives with her family in Melbourne, Australia. She is a non executive director on the board of SANE Australia, who support people living with complex mental illness and for their families and friends supporting them.

Why should I look after my emotional and social health?
Numerous studies report higher rates of poor physical and mental health in doctors compared with other professionals. It is understood that doctors are at greater risk than the general population of stress-related illnesses, including anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Sadly, suicide rates among doctors is significantly higher than that of the general population. Barriers to looking after ourselves include stigma, being time poor, and lacking established pathways to access for help.
It is possible to change this narrative. Whilst the challenging systems we work in will take time to change, we have a responsibility to ourselves to be proactive in ensuring we are thriving rather than merely surviving in medicine.
Benefits of improved emotional and social intelligence skills
Enhanced communication skills
Expressing yourself in an honest and genuine way makes it easier to interact with patients and others in your life. Clear communication facilitates easier pathways through adverse events and open disclosure, reducing vulnerability to medico-legal claims, and the negative impact this can have on ourselves
Improved insight - into yourself and others
Self reflection provides insight into our emotions and behaviours. Insight allows you to implement change, where necessary. Perhaps it's reviewing some old patterns of thinking and behaviour that can be changed to ensure better health moving forward
Stress management
Developing clear knowledge of our "warning signs" that occur when we are struggling, stressed or burnt out is fundamental in helping us reset our path forward.

"Change is the only constant in life. One's ability to adapt to change, determines one's success in life"
Benjamin Franklin
Workshop learning objectives
Self reflection is key
The Medical Board Code of Conduct 2024 for doctors in Australia states:
"Professionalism embodies qualities including self-awareness and self-reflection. Good medical practice requires doctors to reflect regularly on their practice and its effectiveness, to consider what is happening in their relationships with patients and colleagues, and look after their own health and wellbeing. It requires doctors to learn from what has gone well and what hasn’t. Doctors have a duty to keep their skills and knowledge up to date, to develop and refine their clinical judgement as they gain experience, and contribute to their profession".
Strengthen your emotional intelligence skills & unravel any imposter syndrome
Getting curious and investigating our blind spots can reveal our deepest strengths. Whilst this seems counter intuitive, it is most yielding when we do this with compassion toward ourselves.
Understanding our emotional responses allows us to learn effective self regulation skills, to navigate difficulties in our professional and personal lives with more ease.
Participant focused, values based
Engage in exercises to inspire your deepest wisdom and knowledge. Focus on elucidating your top values and remembering your purpose, is key to exercising autonomy in your life choices.
Becoming accountable for how you engage with yourself and the world, leads to a greater sense of satisfaction in everything you do.
Learn to be autonomous in your choices across all domains of life.
Be supported by your colleagues who understand the importance of developing these skills to experience greater meaning and fulfilment in all areas of life.
Design your life action plan that will help protect you when the pressure is mounting
You are invited to review your current coping strategies and increase your toolkit of resources to facilitate strong emotional and social health. You will develop a clearer understanding of your unique signs requiring you to take action in your life, so you can implement early action to stay on track.

Benefits of self reflection in practice - managing ourselves when things get hard
Whilst doctors commonly engage in self reflection following a difficult case or bad outcome, it's known to be more productive when it's a planned and deliberate part of our professional lives. Clinicians skilled in self-reflection remain attentive in clinical situations, and aware of their own feelings and emotions. Becoming skilled at monitoring and regulating one’s internal environment, facilitates improved clinical judgement and acumen, so we can minimise mistakes and prepare for the unexpected. This process can reduce the impact of negative outcomes on practitioners and ensure we are engaging in all domains of our lives in an intentional way, rather than feeling "life is happening to us".
"Grace meets us where we are at, but it does not leave us where it found us"
Meaningful life
Doctors perform their best when their experience of medicine is rewarding and satisfying. A strong internal locus of control is fundamental to this
Sense of agency and autonomy over your life
Bolstering your toolkit will help you build a strong and healthy relationship with yourself, so you can be your best for yourself and others
Self compassion and kindness
Treating ourselves the way we treat others, with the same degree of compassion, grace and kindness
CPD hours
RANZCOG 5.5 hrs Performance Review, 2 hrs Educational Activities
ACEM 5.5 hrs Reviewing Performance, 2 hrs Educational Activities
ACRRM 5.5 hrs Performance Review, 2 hrs Educational Acti
RACGP Quick log 3.5 hrs Educational Activities, 4 hrs Reviewing Performance
(7.5 hours total)